Fayetteville Truck Driver Fatigue Accident Lawyer

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Fayetteville Truck Driver Fatigue Accident Attorney

Holding Parties Responsible For Truck Driver Fatigue

A truck driver often feels pressure to transport more goods farther and faster — leading to the temptation to drive while fatigued. Federal safety standards requiring that a driver rests often enough are intended to protect truck drivers, other drivers and passengers on the road.

Truckers are required by law to keep logbooks in which they record hours of rest, hours of driving, routine maintenance, safety checks and other information verifying compliance with trucking regulations. If you were seriously injured or if a family member was killed in a trucking accident, it is important to have a personal injury attorney evaluate your potential case for compensation as soon as possible, while the truck driver’s log is still accessible.

Some truck drivers attempt to circumvent the laws requiring them to get certain amounts of rest. One way they may do this is to keep two logbooks: one as the “official” version, and another telling what really happened. Another way they attempt to get around the logbook rule is by destroying their logbooks as soon as they are legally allowed to do so. This will not be an effective defense against an injury claim if the injured person or his or her lawyer reviews the logbooks in a timely manner.

Let A Truck Accident Lawyer Advise And Assist

The Law Offices of Wade E. Byrd P.A. has helped injury victims get on with their lives by holding negligent parties responsible in our courts. Our personal injury attorneys will help you recover following a truck accident or another tragedy.

We offer a free initial consultation, including home or hospital visits. We will handle your case on a contingency basis, and only receive attorney fees when we win compensation for you.

Contact our law firm, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, by calling 910-323-2555 to discuss your 18-wheeler accident. Lawyer Wade Byrd or another attorney with our law firm will discuss your accident case and legal options with you, with no further obligation.

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