Fayetteville Rear-End Car Collision Lawyer

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Fayetteville Rear-End Car Collision Attorney

When Rear-End Collisions Result in Injuries

When most people think of a rear-end accident, the first thing to come to mind is a harmless fender bender that doesn’t cause any kind of real harm. Insurance companies and their lawyers have done an excellent job of making lawsuits involving rear-end collisions look like a money grab that should not be taken seriously.

The truth is that the potential injuries in a rear-end accident are very real and could have an extremely debilitating long-term impact on the victim. The general perception about rear-end accidents makes the need for strong legal representation critical to the success of a victim’s claim for damages. If you or a loved one has been injured in a rear-end car accident, be sure that you have an experienced Greensboro rear-end accident lawyer who will fight to protect your interests.

Seeking Full and Fair Compensation for Injury Victims

At the Law Offices of Wade E. Byrd P.A., in Fayetteville, we have been representing serious car accident victims in North Carolina for more than 40 years. We understand the types of injuries that can happen in these accidents, and we know what types of compensation to seek in pursuit of your recovery, including short- and long-term medical care, lost wages and other considerations.

We will closely examine your accident from all sides to determine the exact cause of your accident. While many rear-end accidents are caused by distracted driving, some happen because of brake malfunction or other equipment failure. If we find evidence that parties other than the driver may have shared in the responsibility, we will explore the viability of pursuing additional claims on your behalf.

Experienced Lawyers Helping Victims of All Types of Car Accidents

Contact our office today to discuss your case. We offer a free initial consultation to all new clients. You can reach us by phone at 910-323-2555 or send us an email to schedule a consultation. We handle all rear-end accident cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that you pay no attorney fees unless we obtain compensation for you.

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