Fayetteville Bed Sore Lawyer

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Fayetteville Bed Sore Attorney

Holding Medical Providers Accountable for Bedsores

One of the most common injuries sustained by nursing home patients is bedsores. Sometimes referred to as pressure sores or pressure ulcers, bedsores are affected areas of the skin that develop sores due to constant pressure.

Nursing home patients who are bedridden due to the effects of age, mental impairment, injury or illness must be properly cared for to prevent an outbreak of bedsores. Since bedsores may turn into open sores and become infected, people with bedsores may suffer serious medical complications or even death.

Help for Victims of Nursing Home Negligence

If your loved one has suffered a serious or fatal injury as a result of nursing home negligence, contact the Law Offices of Wade E. Byrd P.A. in Fayetteville, North Carolina. We represent clients in a wide range of nursing home injury claims in the Raleigh area, including bedsore claims. We are committed to holding nursing homes responsible for their failure to provide compassionate care for their patients. If retained as your counsel, we will vigorously pursue the full compensation you are entitled to receive.

We have been representing clients in personal injury claims for more than 40 years in Fayetteville. As a result of our experience, we know how to effectively investigate nursing home injury claims to determine if a patient’s injuries may have been caused by negligence.

Bedsores often start out with redness in the skin, followed by blisters, which are followed by open sores or crater-like holes that can expose both tissue and bone. Nursing home patients who receive proper hygiene and care are far less likely to contract bedsores. When bedsores become visible, nursing homes should respond with proper care in a timely fashion to decrease the likelihood of medical complications arising from bedsores.

Contact Us

To contact a North Carolina bedsore injury attorney at the Law Offices of Wade E. Byrd P.A., call 910-323-2555 or contact us by email. We are pleased to offer a free consultation with our lawyers. We handle all personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis so you pay no fees to us unless we recover compensation for you.

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