If you suffered loss of a limb in a car accident or construction accident or because of a medical complication, you are urged to discuss your case with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Perhaps you question whether you want to “sue someone” after a serious accident in North Carolina resulted in amputation of your arm or leg, hand or foot, finger(s) or toe(s). You may be unsure of whether there is clear liability of another party — or whether bringing a lawyer onboard might diminish payments that you could receive from insurance companies.
While every case is different and there is no surefire guarantee in any personal injury claim; we are confident that representation by a personal injury attorney will be in your best interest for several reasons, including the following:
If your injury was caused by a car or truck or big-rig accident or an airplane crash, it is important to get an investigation underway as soon as possible while evidence is most readily available: eyewitness statements, photos of the crashed vehicle and so on.
If a workplace accident caused your arm or leg amputation, there may be a workers’ compensation claim and/or a third-party liability claim against an equipment manufacturer.
If you lost your arm or leg in the course of medical treatment, you may need help finding out whether a medical mistake was involved. Did your physician ignore complaints that should have triggered tests for diabetes or some other condition that ultimately created a need for amputation of your arm or leg? You may be a victim of failure to diagnose a serious medical condition.
The Law Offices of Wade E. Byrd P.A. in Fayetteville adeptly represents victims of all types of accidents. We can ensure that all sources of compensation are tapped after an amputation injury. We offer free consultations at our law offices, at your hospital, in your home or at any mutually convenient location.
Our law firm handles amputation injury cases on a contingency basis. This means you will have no attorney fees to pay until a settlement or verdict is paid out.
To reach our Fayetteville office, call 910-323-2555 or contact us online to discuss your medical malpractice or auto accident case and legal options. We represent clients throughout North Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia.