August 17, 1998
Dump Truck Rear- Ended Plaintiff – Closed Head Injury To Child – $1 Million Settlement
Brief statement of claim: A loaded dump truck caused a rear-end collision with a passenger vehicle in which a two-year-old child was a back seat passenger in an infant seat.
Principal injuries (in order of severity): Closed head injury causing attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.
Special damages: n/a
Tried or settled: Settled
County where tried or settled: Johnston
Case name and number: Pearson v. Boykin and S.T. Wooten Corporation (Johnson County Superior Court; 96 CvS 00885)
Date concluded: June 4, 1998
Name of judge: n/a
Amount: $1 million
Insurance carrier: St. Pauls Commercial Carrier
Expert witnesses and areas of expertise: Treating physicians: Dr. Miriam Gardner, pediatrician; Dr. Herbert Fuchs, pediatric neurosurgeon
Attorneys for plaintiff: Wade E. Byrd of The Law Offices of Wade E. Byrd, Fayetteville, and Leo Daughtry and Lou Starling, Smithfield