Charlotte Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney

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Charlotte Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer

Any type of commercial truck accident can be tremendously damaging, but this is especially true for jackknife accidents. If you or a family member was recently injured in this type of accident, you need to know your legal options for recovering your losses. A Charlotte jackknife truck accident attorney is the most valuable resource you can consult in this situation, and the right attorney can help you recover fair compensation for your damages.

charlotte jackknife truck accident attorney

Representing Truck Jackknife Accident Claims in Charlotte, NC

The team at the Law Offices of Wade E. Byrd P.A. has years of experience representing clients in all types of truck accident claims in Charlotte, including those arising from jackknife accidents. The plaintiff in this type of case faces a wide range of complex legal challenges they would struggle to overcome on their own, and the right attorney can be an essential asset for anyone seeking compensation for the damages another party inflicted.

Our firm has the professional resources and experience necessary to represent our clients in the most challenging truck accident claims. You can rely on us to help gather the evidence you need to firmly establish liability for your accident, help uncover the full extent of your claimable damages, and ultimately guide you toward the recovery you legally deserve. You have a limited time in which to pursue your recovery, so it’s vital to reach out as soon as you can.

Proving Liability for a Truck Jackknife Accident in Charlotte

When a truck jackknifes, its trailer swings out to one side as the truck continues moving forward in a “V” shape, resembling a folding knife. The forward momentum and weight of the trailer make it very difficult for the truck driver to recover from the jackknife, and as the trailer swings into the adjacent lanes of traffic, it can strike multiple victims. These are some of the most damaging truck accidents reported in the state.

If you have been injured by such an accident, you must prove fault before you can recover any compensation for your damages. Evidence you may require in order to establish fault could include recordings from traffic cameras around the scene of the crash, testimony from witnesses who saw the accident happen, and various other pieces of physical and digital evidence. It’s also possible for more than one party to bear fault for the accident.

One issue that can complicate a commercial truck accident claim in Charlotte is vicarious liability, a legal concept that applies to any situation in which one party bears fault for the actions of another party. For example, if the employer of the driver who caused your accident did not conduct an appropriate background check on the driver or ensure proper training, they are likely to face vicarious liability for the accident.

Filing Your Auto Insurance Claim After a Jackknife Truck Accident

The first option you have for recovering from a motor vehicle accident is filing an auto insurance claim against the at-fault driver. State law requires every driver to have auto insurance that meets basic coverage requirements, and this requirement extends to commercial truck drivers. However, insurance alone may not fully compensate you for your damages, and there is a chance that you could encounter unexpected issues with the insurance claim filing process.

Your Charlotte jackknife truck accident attorney can help file your insurance claim and resolve any problems you encounter with the insurance carrier. Once you receive a settlement offer, your attorney can ensure it is fair and reasonable under the terms of the at-fault driver’s policy. If you have outstanding damages that insurance can’t cover, you will need to claim these in a personal injury suit against whoever caused your accident.

Claiming Compensation in a Personal Injury Case

The main objective for any plaintiff in a personal injury claim is to recover the compensation they need to be whole again after suffering harm from a defendant’s negligence or illegal misconduct. Under North Carolina’s personal injury statutes, the plaintiff has the right to seek compensation for:

  • Vehicle repair costs, as well as any other property damage not covered by the defendant’s auto insurance policy.
  • Medical expenses. Truck jackknife accidents can easily inflict catastrophic injuries, many of which require extensive ongoing medical treatment. The victim has the right to claim compensation for all their immediate and projected future medical treatment costs arising from their truck jackknife accident.
  • Lost wages. If the plaintiff in a personal injury case has been left unable to work while they recover from their injuries, the defendant is liable for the income they are unable to earn during this time.
  • Lost future earning capacity. Unfortunately, some truck accidents result in permanent disabilities. If the victim of a jackknife accident cannot return to work in the future due to the severity of their injuries, their Charlotte jackknife truck accident attorney can help them calculate the future income they will no longer be able to earn and add this amount to their claim as economic damages.
  • Pain and suffering compensation. The plaintiff in a personal injury case can seek compensation for physical pain and psychological distress resulting from a defendant’s actions. There is no limit to how much they can claim, but the amount sought should reasonably reflect the overall extent and severity of the harm they suffered.

Recovering from your recent jackknife truck accident could be more challenging than you expect, but you may also be entitled to more compensation than you may expect as well. When you have an experienced Charlotte jackknife truck accident attorney working on your case, you are more likely to win fair compensation for your damages in an efficient manner.

The Law Offices of Wade E. Byrd P.A. strive to help every one of our clients in Charlotte, North Carolina recover from their injuries as fully as possible. We can help you understand your options for legal recourse after a jackknife accident and do everything we can to maximize your recovery. The sooner you reach out to an experienced Charlotte jackknife truck accident attorney, the more likely you will be to succeed with your recovery efforts.


Q: What Causes Truck Jackknifing?

A: The most commonly reported causes of truck jackknifing are speeding and improper turning. These accidents can also happen from improperly packed cargo that leaves the truck off balance. The trailer of the truck swings out to one side and into the adjacent lane of traffic. These are some of the most dangerous truck accidents because it is almost impossible for a truck driver to recover from a jackknife, and they can easily hit multiple smaller vehicles.

Q: Who Is Liable for a Truck Jackknife Accident in Charlotte?

A: Proving liability for your recent accident is an essential first step in your recovery process. You must prove exactly how the accident happened and prove who caused it, and it is possible for liability to fall to one or more parties. You are likely to require various forms of physical and digital evidence to prove liability. Traffic camera footage, eyewitness statements, cell phone records, and vehicle computer data may all prove to be essential evidence in your case.

Q: How Much Compensation Can I Claim for a Truck Jackknife Accident in Charlotte?

A: North Carolina’s laws for truck accidents allow the victim of another party’s negligence or misconduct to secure full compensation for the resulting damages. Your Charlotte jackknife truck accident attorney can help secure compensation for your vehicle repair costs, medical expenses, lost income, and any projected future losses resulting from the accident. You may also claim as much pain and suffering compensation as you deem appropriate.

Q: Will I Win More Compensation If I Hire an Attorney?

A: If you have an experienced Charlotte jackknife truck accident attorney representing your case, you are not only more likely to succeed with the case but also more likely to maximize your total compensation. Under state law, the at-fault driver is liable for the entire scope of economic damages they inflicted in the accident, and the average person may struggle to accurately assess these damages on their own.

Q: How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Charlotte Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney?

A: The Law Offices of Wade E. Byrd P.A., accept personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means you will not be required to pay any upfront legal fees for our representation. Instead, we will take a percentage of the total compensation we secure for you, and only if we win your case. There is no fee if we are unable to obtain a case award for you, so there is no financial risk in choosing our firm to represent you.

Get Help From Our Experienced Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer

The Law Offices of Wade E. Byrd P.A., have successfully helped many past clients recover from all types of commercial vehicle accidents, including truck jackknife accidents. We know how damaging these incidents can be and that you are likely to have many questions regarding your recovery options. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation with a Charlotte jackknife truck accident attorney to learn how we can help you recover.

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