Identifying and handling whiplash trauma

Identifying and handling whiplash trauma
Aug 20 2019

Drivers in North Carolina are involved in a crash may experience whiplash. While some people might want to brush whiplash off as a minor injury, it can actually cause long-lasting and potentially expensive problems for the sufferer.

FindLaw describes whiplash as one of the most common soft tissue injuries car crashes can cause. It usually involves the damage of muscles, ligaments, nerves and vertebrae after an abrupt motion (being rear-ended, for example) causes the aforementioned areas to become strained. It can also be called a hyperextension injury, cervical strain, or cervical sprain.

Symptoms for whiplash injuries can range from the barely-noticeable to the severe. They can also worsen over time, depending on how they are treated and how severe they are at the start. Some of the most common include:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle pain
  • Back pain
  • Stiffness

However, as Mayo Clinic shows, there can be even more severe symptoms related to whiplash. These severe signs can include memory loss, difficulties concentrating, and trouble with balance and equilibrium.

Unfortunately, whiplash does not always simply “heal on its own”, despite how commonly circulated that misinformation may be. It is highly suggested for anyone suffering from any degree of whiplash to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If left unattended, whiplash injuries may actually worsen over time, as the strained and damaged muscles and ligaments are given no time to properly heal. Relatedly, it may be beneficial to seek compensation in order to help cover the costs of the medical treatments that may be incurred.

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